segunda-feira, maio 09, 2005: The quick-response, point-of-view world of blogs

The buzz about a product months before its official launch is but one example of why the world's top advertisers and media moguls are plotting strategy for the quick-response, point-of-view world of blogs. But they may already be behind an emerging network of blogs that are building a business model from the grass roots up, industry experts said.

"You're not going to see mass blogs equaling some of the largest media companies in other spaces," said Dan Buczaczer, a director at interactive media buyer Starcom IP, part of Publicis (PUBP.PA). But their very appeal to niche audiences "neatly mirrors where other media is going," he said.

Buczaczer expects a handful of blogs will develop an audience large enough to secure more substantial ad dollars this year. A wave of companies will also start blogs to create more immediate links to consumers in the near term, he said.

As many as 64 percent of marketers are interested in advertising on blogs, according to a Forrester Research study, though their investment would still be a fraction of the $14.7 billion expected to be spent on Internet ads this year.

Another 57 percent are looking to include marketing messages on RSS (Real Simple Syndication) feeds which allow a viewer to see instantly updating headlines from news, Web logs and other sites via a simple Internet browser.

"Advertisers have spent millions of dollars to identify 'influencers' (among consumers)," said Todd Copilevitz, director of digital initiatives at Omnicom (NYSE:OMC - news) agency TracyLocke. "Well, now they are identifying themselves."

Established media don't regard blogs as a direct threat to their ad models -- yet. But they are flirting with the format, fearing their news could be upstaged by the unbridled mix of opinion and humor offered by individual bloggers.

Print Story: Big media companies weigh blog strategies on Yahoo! News

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