terça-feira, maio 03, 2005: HOW U.S. CONSUMERS SPEND THEIR TIME

Americans have plenty of time: 24 hours a day. But how do they spend it?

The average American sleeps 8.6 hours. Workers spend a third of the day on the job. The No. 3 activity, after sleep and work, is watching TV.
The study, based on 2003 data, found that Americans spend 11% of their life in front of a TV screen.

Consumers spend half their leisure time -- and effectively 11% of their lives -- in front of the tube. That’s strong evidence of the commanding role TV plays in the lives of consumers even as the ad industry debates the future of the 30-second spot and the issue of slipping broadcast ratings.

The facts come from the American Time Use Survey, the government’s first comprehensive time study. The survey, offering detailed data on how different demographic groups spend their days, puts hard numbers behind common assumptions. Women spend four times as much time on housework (an hour a day) as men do. Employed men on average put in an hour more at work (eight hours) than employed women (seven hours).

Adults in households without children have more leisure time (5.6 hours) than homes with children (4.2 hours). One not-so-shocking finding: Working mothers with young children have the least leisure time of any adults (a bit more than three hours).

“A lot of the data weren’t surprising,” said Diane Herz, a division chief at the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the survey’s sponsor. Dig deeper, though, and the findings become more intriguing.


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