sexta-feira, março 25, 2005: Desafio é apelido - McKinsey tries to improve Albania's image

Albania's government has asked McKinsey, the international consultants, for a strategy to overcome perceptions among investors that the country is a haven for corruption and organised crime.

Fatos Nano, prime minister, said he had called in the consultants to re-position one of Europe's poorest states, with annual per capita income of $2,500 (€1,905, £1,308), as a dynamic country with potential for sustained economic growth.

"They will identify where we have competitive advantages," he said in an interview with the Financial Times.

"We believe that with their help Albania will be able to attract about $300m a year in foreign investment."

McKinsey admits the brief is challenging. Mr Nano wants Albania's reputation as a backward corrupt state emerging from the last Stalinist dictatorship replaced with an investor-friendly image in time for elections in July that will be closely watched by the European Union.

"If you look at perceptions, it's not an easy case to sell Albania," said a McKinsey official involved in talks with the government.

"Over the years foreign experts have put together dozens, maybe hundreds, of strategy papers and action plans for every sector of the economy, yet very few deals have come off," said one Tirana-based banker. "But if McKinsey's promoting Albania, some international companies will take another look."

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